Price Reduction. Because so many have expressed an interest, we are lowering the price of the BBS Files disk to only $1.00
(like the AMUG Library disk). This disk contains a tab-delineated list of all the files currently available on the AMUG BBS. There are over 6,000 files available through your modem on the BBS. This is one of the places used to collect the public domain software available on the Best of… disks. BBS files can be read directly by Edit
(a desk accessory available on DAs) or, if you have the patience, the file can be opened and printed with MacWrite II‚Ñ¢ and an ImageWriter. My Hero and I did this once. It took a long time, but we enjoy being able to browse over the list.
New Disks - Sounds V was introduced at the
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December meeting. It contains a number of new sounds and an application, SoundPlay. A tiny little application which analyzes and customizes sounds. Also on the sounds disk is the popular Beepshuffle which reads sounds loaded in a Suitcase and plays them randomly. A folder full of LooneyToon sounds is on this one. You will recognize them all.
A Limited Edition, Desktop Publishing, Selections, aimed at Desktop Publishers and aspiring Desktop Publishers was introduced. It is a collection of files which might be useful for one in this field. Also, I tucked a folder of bitmapped Christmas clip art on this one just for fun. Again, I operate under a